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Roland MDX-540SA

Roland MDX-540SA
Roland MDX-540SA
Status: Active


  • Ivan Penskiy (


The Roland MDX-540SA is a high-precision CNC milling machine designed for rapid prototyping and small-scale production. It is part of the MDX-540 series and is known for its accuracy, ease of use, and compatibility with a range of materials, including plastics, woods, and soft metals. It features 4-axis capabilities, 4-tool automatic tool changer, a user-friendly interface, and high-speed milling.


E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory (Bldg. 228), room 3119.

Mill specifications

XYZ-Axis Travel 400 x 400 x 155 mm (15.7 x 15.7 x 6.1 in)
Software resolution – RML-1 mode: 0.01 mm (0.4 mil)
– NC-code mode: 0.001 mm (0.04 mil)
Mechanical resolution 0.001 mm (0.04 mil)
Positioning accuracy +/-0.1 mm/300 mm (+/-0.004 in/12 in), under no-load conditions
Repeat accuracy +/-0.02 mm (+/-0.8 mil), under no-load conditions
Materials plastic, resin, wood (currently no metals allowed)
Accessories Automatic tool changer (ZAT-540), Rotary axis unit (ZCL-540)

Important documents and useful links


Roland MDX-540SA must be reserved before using. The reservation is done using the Google calendar. Users will be able to reserve the equipment personally after attending the RAL lab orientation and then following the steps below to gain access to the equipment.


Video demonstration

The following videos demonstrate capabilities and the some aspects of operating the MDX-540SA mill:
Note: these are promotional and instructional videos. They are included for demonstrational purposes only. The details of actual operational procedures in RAL can differ.

Important reminders

  • Make sure that the cover is closed before starting the milling code.
  • Clean up after yourself.

File preparation

RML-1 mode

This is a more user-friendly method of using Roland MDX-540SA. No experience in NC code is required. The Roland proprietary software SRP Player accepts STL files and then generates RML code to control the milling machine. The downsides of this approach is the lower resolution and loss of control over some aspects of tool pathway.
More information can be found in the Introduction to SRP Player user guide and in the training video SRP Player Workflow.

NC-code mode:
  • Make sure to use only G-code commands that are supported by Roland MDX-540SA. The entire list is in the NC code manual (pp. 63-64). Unsupported commands will lead to unpredictable behavior.
  • Start your program with a percent sign, preferably end with it too.
  • Make sure to use decimal points for all coordinates and the feed rate. Behavior of the mill can become unpredictable otherwise.
  • Don't use more than 4 digits after the decimal point.
  • Include the following lines at the beginning (right after selecting the coordinate system) and at the end (before stopping the spindle) of the NC file. This is a precaution measure to raise the tool to the highest point.
    G91 (Incremental programming) 
    G00 Z150.000 (go to the highest point) 
    G90 (Absolute programming)
  • Avoid using rapid-feed movement (G00 command) closer than 20 mm to the cutting surface. Use feed-rate movement (G01 command) for positioning at smaller distances. To speed up repositioning of the tool, increase feed rate (F command) and then decrease it back to the desired value before continuing the cut. For example
    F1400.0 S8000 M03 (Set feed rate, spindle speed, and rotate spindle)

    G00 X   0.000 Y  0.000
    G00 Z  40.000
    G01 Z   1.000

    G01 Z  -0.100
    G01 X   7.500 Y  0.000
    G01 Z   1.000

    G01 X  10.000 Y  0.000

    G01 Z  -0.100
    G01 X  10.000 Y  0.000
    G01 Z   1.000


    This requirement is only for the new users. Experienced users can follow their developed routines unless they violate other rules.
  • A sample start of the NC-code
    G21 (Units in millimeters)
    G54 (Choice of coordinate system)

    G91 (Incremental programming)
    G00 Z150.000 (go to the highest point)
    G90 (Absolute programming)

    A sample end of the NC-code
    G00 Z 20

    G91 (Incremental programming)
    G00 Z150.000 (go to the highest point)
    G90 (Absolute programming)

    M05 (Stop spindle)
    M02 (Program end)

Gaining access to equipment

  1. Preparation:
    • Read the manuals for MDX-540SA, pay extra attention to the ones about NC code and SRP player. 
    • Read the Standard operating procedure and File preparation sections.
    • Prepare material for milling.
  2. Scheduling:
    Once you are confident in the topics from the previous section, email the lab manager (Ivan Penskiy) to schedule training. Usually it takes 2-3 sessions to become an authorized user.
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